
Brandon's Dilemma

One of my friends and neighbors, Brandon, recently added raised beds to his backyard.  He plans to use them to grow vegetables for his family.  He built the beds and was getting ready to fill them with soil when he came to us for advice.  Here is his dilemma:
He has two raised beds, each measuring 10 feet by 10 feet, and they are 6 inches deep.  The soil he wants to fill them with is sold in cubic yards.  He asked us to help him figure out how many cubic yards of soil he should get.  Can you help out?

Here are a couple of hints for figuring out the answer:
  1. Convert all measurements into yards. How? Here is some information that may help you:  1 yard = 3 feet, 1 foot = 12 inches, 1 yard = 36 inches
  2. Calculate the volume of one bed in cubic yards, then double the answer, since there are two beds.
The next question is, how much will he pay for all that soil if one cubic yard costs #20?

Good luck, and I am looking forward to your emails with answers and explanations. :)